
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Booking Through Thursday: Categories

Today's question:
Of the books you own, what’s the biggest category/genre?

Is this also the category that you actually read the most?

Well....the fact that I'm hosting a Vintage Mystery Challenge might be a little bit of a give away. I own 2,501 books ( did that happen? And where are they all? I ought to be buried). Anyway...of those books 1259 are mysteries. And, yes, mysteries are my first love when it comes to reading. But as my header says, I'm pretty eclectic and read all over the genres (pretty much). I'll even read the cereal box in the morning....'cuz the girl has got to read.


  1. Mysteries are my first love, too, but it wasn't always that way. It used to be romance so the books I own are more romance than mystery, but mystery is catching up!

  2. 2,501 books!??? Wow. Just wow. Where do you put them all?????

  3. @Jenners: That's part of the mystery. Ha! (pun intended!) But seriously, I look around and I just don't see how I could possibly have that many. But spreadsheets don't lie, do they?


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