
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Challenge Complete: A-Z Reading Challenge

With my latest read, Haunted Ground by Erin Hart, I have crossed a couple of more challenges off the list. First up:

2011 A-Z Reading Challenge hosted by Book Junky

The challenge had pretty simple rules. Read 26 books--one for each letter of the alphabet. Each book's title had to start with a letter of the alphabet. I went for the hard one's early--knocking out Q and Z and X. H wound up being the toughie. Not that I couldn't find books with an "H" at the beginning--in fact, I planned all along to read Hide & Seek by Wilkie Collins. But I kept putting it off and now that I've finally started the Collins book, it's been dragging on a bit. Took a break and decided on another H book.'s the run-down of books read for the challenge:

1. All Booked up by Terrie Curran (2/5/11)
2. Black Orchids by Rex Stout (1/21/11)
3. Colour Scheme by Ngaio Marsh (2/28/11)
4. Death in the Garden by Elizabeth Ironside (2/4/11)
5. Evvie by Vera Caspary (8/1/11)
6. Flaubert's Parrot by Julian Barnes (4/23/11)
7. Great British Detectives Vol. 4 by Martin H Greenberg & Edward D Hoch, eds (9/9/11)
8. Haunted Ground by Erin Hart (10/15/11)
9. Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice (9/13/11)
10. Jerusalem Inn by Martha Grimes (4/2/11)
11. Kathleen by Christopher Morley (8/17/11)
12. Lord of Misrule by Jaimy Gordan (2/11/11)
13. McKee of Centre Street by Helen Reilly (2/23/11)
14. Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen (6/11/11)
15. Out of the Silent Planet by C. S. Lewis (1/22/11)
16. Publish & Be Murdered by Ruth Dudley Edwards (1/19/11)
17. Queen of the Flowers by Kerry Greenwood (5/9/11)
18. Rope's End, Rogue's End by E C R Lorac (1/26/11)
19. Sir Nigel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (8/21/11)
20. Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne (5/24/11)
21. Use Trouble: Poems by Michael S. Harper (1/29/11)
22. Vane Pursuit by Charlotte MacLeod (6/27/11)
23. Why Shoot a Butler? by Georgette Heyer (2/2/11)
24. X in Sex by David Bainbridge (1/21/11)
25. You Can Die Laughing by A. A. Fair (2/24/11)
26. Zorro: A Novel by Isabel Allende (Did Not Finish--looking for new "Z" book)
26. Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald: An American Woman's Life by Linda Wagner-Martin (2/14/11)

Hope this one's on again for next year. I had a lot of fun with it.

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