
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Theme Thursday: Feeling

Hosted by Reading Between the Pages

*A theme will be posted each week on Thursday
*Select a conversation/snippet/sentence from your current book that features the theme
*Post it and don't forget to mention the author and title of the book
*Event is open for the whole week
*Link back to Reading Between the Pages

This week's theme is Feeling (Happiness, Sadness, Surprise, etc).

Here's mine from Strong Poison by Dorothy L Sayers (p 56):

"What eloquence!" said Parker, unimpressed. "Anybody would think you'd gone goopy over the girl."

"That's a damned friendly way to talk," said Wimsey, bitterly. "When you went off the deep end about my sister, I may have been unsympathetic--I daresay I was--but I swear I didn't dance on your tenderest feelings and call your manly devotion 'going goopy over a girl.' I don't know where you pick up such expressions, as the clergyman's wife said to the parrot. 'Goopy,' indeed!" I never heard anything so vulgar!"


  1. That's funny! Thanks for sharing what sounds like a delightful book.

    And thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. Wonder if my hubby is goopy over me!?!?
    Great pick! Thanks for stopping by Crazy Book Slut this afternoon!!

  3. Love these vintage snippets which usually give me a laugh. Fun choice for this week!

  4. Lovely snippet. I need to find me another Peter Wimsey mistery, since I've only read one so far...


  5. "Goopy" makes me laugh. Of course, it's really vulgar. Great Themer.


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