
Thursday, September 1, 2011

R. I. P. VI Challenge

You'll never guess. Not in a million years. What do you mean I've signed up for another challenge? How did you know? Oh. The title of the post....I suppose that was a teensy little clue. Um. Yeah. You're right. Temptation in the form of another challenge just waltzed across my pathway and I happen to have the books sitting right over.....there (in that precariously stacked TBR pile) that will fulfill it.

Banner artwork by Melissa Nucera

Carl V is once again hosting the R. I. P. (R. eaders I. mbibing P. eril VI) Challenge. I found this one a little late last year and missed out on participating. Not going to happen this year.

Here's a bit of the info (for full details hop on the link above and check out Carl's site):

Every September 1st through October 31st for the last 5 years Carl has hosted the R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril Challenge, affectionately known as the R.I.P. Challenge.
The purpose of the R.I.P. Challenge is to enjoy books that could be classified as:
Dark Fantasy.
There are two simple goals for the R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril VI Challenge:
1. Have fun reading.
2. Share that fun with others.
Carl has several challenge levels at which participants can join in. I have chosen
Peril the First:
Read four books, any length, that you feel fit the very broad definitions of R.I.P. literature. It could be Stephen King or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Ian Fleming or Edgar Allan Poe…or anyone in between.
Here is my anticipated reading list:
2. The Blood Detective by Dan Waddell
3. Haunted Ground by Erin Hart (10/15/11) replaced Ghostly Tales and Sinister Stories of Old Edinburgh by Alan J Wilson, Des Brogan & Frank McGrail (eds)
4. The Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce
5. Beast in View by Margaret Millar
Reviews are not required, but if you indulge, they may be posted at the R.I.P. VI Review Site

So, go ahead, give in to temptation and join me for another Challenge!


  1. I am going to join also :-). Interview with a vampire will be superior. I am confirming my 4

  2. RIP is a challenge I always make room for. Ghostly Tales sounds a good one - I brought the Virago Book of Ghost Stories home from the library which should have some great short stories in.

  3. Your list reminds me that I keep wanting to reread Anne Rice's Mummy book. I read it several years ago and really enjoyed it. Made a fun book to read in company with Bram Stoker's Jewel of the Seven Stars.

    Glad you made it in on the front end this year. Hope you enjoy the challenge.

  4. Interview With The Vampire is good and creepy.

  5. This is by far the most tempting challenge ever! I always give in and participate (gladly) instead of trying to resist!

  6. This challenge is a lot of fun, so it is worth joining yet another challenge for. :)

  7. carl's r.i.p. challenge is a good one! i did it a couple years ago and had a blast. when i saw devil's dictionary on your list it made me wonder how many words are there for "hell" ???


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