
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Booking Through Thursday: Got Books?

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Do you carry books with you when you’re out and about in the world?

And, do you ever try to hide the covers?

I always have a book with me. Always. One of my cardinal rules when purse-buying is that it must be big enough to hold a book--at least a small-sized hardback, not necessarily War & Peace. You never know when you might get stuck in traffic. Or held up at the doctor's office because she's running behind. I'd much rather read what I want to read than to be stuck with whatever magazine selection they have on offer.

No, I never try to hide my covers. If I'm reading it, then I'm ready to own up to it. If I'm ashamed of the cover (for whatever reason), then maybe I shouldn't be reading it.


  1. That's a great rule to have when buying a purse :)

  2. I usually carry a small backpack, but there's always something to read in it.
    A friend of mine never buys a new jacket without the pockets being big enough for a paperback. Bookaholics rule!

  3. I too always have a book with me. Having a smart phone makes it so much easier! Who would have thought I would love reading on a phone but I do. As for covers, hmmmmmm, I like your statement about owning up to it. I honestly never thought about hiding any.

  4. that's my rule too for purse buying! it must fit a book!
    Trish - my BTT post

  5. I agree on you on purse buying. I never buy a purse that would never fit a book! It must! hahhaha. Thanks for dropping by.

  6. I bring my Nook or a book wherever I go. I figure you never know when you'll have some waiting time on your hands :)


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