
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Booking Through Thursday: Repeats

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This week's Booking Through Thursday question:

What’s the first book that you ever read more than once? (I’m assuming there’s at least one.)

What book have you read the most times? And–how many?

The first book that I "read" more than once was Here's a Bunny (I have no idea who the author was). It was a cloth book for my little toddler hands which my Aunt Helen gave me. I demanded that any available adult sit and read it with me over and over and over again. Probably the first book that I really read for myself more than once was Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? by Dr. Seuss. I loved that book.

I'd have to say that the book I've read the most times is Strong Poison by Dorothy L Sayers (or possibly any of her other Lord Peter Wimsey books). And I've reread them more times than I can count.


  1. I have probably reread Dr. Seuss books hundreds of times!

  2. Hi,Bev! Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?

    So cute!

  3. Why am I not surprised that you picked a Peter WImsey book? :)

    For me it would have to be this triple header. The three that I remember reading most from this late vantage point anyway:

    THE MAN IN THE BROWN SUIT by Agatha Christie.

    THEY CAME TO BAGHDAD by Agatha Christie.

    THE SECRET OF CHIMNEYS by Agatha Christie

    I've lost count how many times I've read these.


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