
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Websites

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created over at The Broke and the Bookish. Today The Broke and the Bookish are celebrating their Blogoversary and in honor the event Top Ten participants are asked to share their Top Ten Bookish Websites.

1. Goodreads: Best place I've found so far for logging and looking up books. I've managed to make more friends (who are actually active with it) on there than on Visual Bookshelf (hooked up with FaceBook). Any number of my friends have started an account with Visual Bookshelf, but then haven't done anything with it.

2. Stop, You're Killing Me!: A terrific resource for those who love mysteries, thrillers, and crime of all sorts. I've added so many titles/authors to my TBR list....and found more titles for authors I'd already discovered.

3. Fantastic Fiction: Another great site for looking up books and authors. This one covers all genres.

4. Monroe County Public Library: Website of our spectacular local library. Rated among the top ten in the country for various services.

5. Dell Pocketsize Covers: I love these old pocketsize editions and just love looking at the nifty covers. Cover art just isn't what it used to be.

That's least till I get home and double-check what I've got bookmarked on the laptop. It seems like I'm missing a few.


  1. Hi Bev. Stopping by on the Top Ten assignment. I found this week to be very interesting.

  2. I don't think I'll bother with my own list, but - I really love NoveList Plus, a readers' advisory database. It's not free, but hopefully your public library offers access through a website like mine does. (Fingers crossed.) It helps recommend books to read based on what you've enjoyed in the past.

    Also Whichbook is pretty fun.

  3. I love STOP, YOU'RE KILLING ME. (Not so much their name, though.) But it's a great site.

    Love FANTASTIC FICTION as well!

    I listed them too.

    I going to check out Dell Pocketsize Covers.

  4. Oh, duh! I know the Dell site! I just didn't recognize the name for whatever reason. I LOVE THAT SITE.

    I should have listed it as well. :)

  5. Ok, why did I not know about Stop, You're Killing Me and I love thrillers etc, thank you so much.

    I also like you put in what book you completed and gives you new recommendations.


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