
Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday's Lists: Nine Questions

I saw this over on Joy's Blog. And, since I cannot resist lists--especially lists about books I had to grab it and do it. She had stolen it from the Shelf Awareness newsletter. If we all steal it and do it does that make it public property?

On your nightstand now:
The Bloody Wood by Michael Innes (current read)
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. HeinleinThe Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
Howards End is on the Landing by Susan HillThe Religious Body by Catherine AirdThe Highly Effective Detective by Richard Yancey

Favorite book when you were a child:Any Nancy Drew and The Four Story Mistake by Elizabeth Enright

Your top five authors:
Dorothy L Sayers, Jane Austen, David Lodge, Julian Barnes, Oscar Wilde (three out of five subject to change at any given moment)

Book you've faked reading:None that I recall. If I say I read it, I did. If I couldn't finish it for whatever reason, I'll tell you that too. I don't see a point to claiming to have read something if I didn't. It's not like there is some cosmic prize for books read. But wouldn't it be nice is there were?!

Book you're an evangelist for:
The Dorothy L Sayers Lord Peter Wimsey books and The End of the Alphabet by C. S. Richardson

6. Book you've bought for the cover:
Um. I can't think of one. If I buy it, it's because I think the story is interesting. I do like the covers on those pocket-size WWII editions. Very pulp ficitony and thriller-like.

7. Book that changed your life:
The Bible

8. Favorite line from a book:Oh my, there are so many....We'll go with this one:
"The trouble with bookshops is that they are as bad as pubs. You start with one and then you drift to another, and before you know where you are you are on a gigantic book-binge." Bodies in a Bookshop by R. T. Campbell (one of my all-time favorites!)

Book you most want to read again for the first time:Whose Body? by Dorothy L Sayers (or any of the Wimsey mysteries). I envy anyone who has not yet read Sayers and will discover her for the first time.


  1. Excellent list! Dorothy Sayers would definitely be in my "top ten" author list. I've been thinking I should go back and read all the Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane books again. That might be a good plan for summer reading.

    Yes, I find it hard to resist lists, too. Love making them, and love reading lists by other people.

  2. Cool list indeed, I enjoy these kind of questions/lists also.

    Nancy Drew was a dream back then

  3. I finally read The Thirteenth Tale this year and loved it. I bought it years ago, started it and never finished. I'm so glad I finally did.


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