
Saturday, April 9, 2011

A-Z Blogging Challenge: Letter H

We're up to a week's worth of alphabet on the A-Z Blogging Challenge. Every day in April (except Sundays) I will be doing a post for each letter of the alphabet. It is my plan to make most of my posts reading &/0r book-related. April 9th is brought to you by the Letter H. And, once again, I'm not sticking to my plan....

Because H is for Hooray! Hooray for my Eagle Scout! We honored Kyle today in a wonderful Eagle Scout Court of Honor conducted by the terrific scouts and leaders of Troop 148. Did everything go absolutely as planned? Of course not. Did I forget something in the planning? Of course I did. But did it matter? Not a bit. We managed to put it together anyway and we had a lovely turnout.

And H is for Honor. Which is a big part of Scouting. The Scout Oath begins: "On my Honor, I will do my best to do my duty...." As a newly minted Eagle Scout, Kyle promised, on his Honor, to to do his best to use his status as an Eagle to help others...whether helping young scouts in his Troop or people in the community. Scouts are meant to be Honorable and trustworthy, and I trust (and believe) that Kyle is. So Hooray for Kyle! And for all the sons out there who have earned the Honorable rank of Eagle Scout!


  1. Congrats to your son and to your family and to you, of course, Bev! You are such a proud mama. It's great to see. :-)

  2. Hip Hip Hooray for Kyle!



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