
Thursday, April 7, 2011

A-Z Blogging Challenge: F is for Felony

Day 6 of the A-Z Blogging Challenge. Every day in April (except Sundays) I will be doing posts for each letter of the alphabet. It is my plan to make my posts reading &/or book-related. April 7th is brought to you by the Letter F.

F is for Felony & Mayhem. Now, I don't plan on using the challenge alphabet to put plugs
in for all the publishers out there. But the Felony & Mayhem Press is a lovely little publishing company that specializes in re-issues of out-of-print mysteries (among other hard to find books). That just warms my mystery-loving heart. Some of my favorite authors are so hard to find that it is sometimes difficult to recommend some of the best mysteries because I know that people will have a hard time finding them. It's always fun to find a way to get my hands on the vintage authors. I especially love the fact that they have so many of the Edmund Crispin and Elizabeth Daly books. They also have printed my most recent read Ten Little Herrings by L. C. Tyler.


  1. Just found you through the lovely BookBelle...and following as I share your love of old detective fiction. Just the names Margery Allingham and Frances Iles send shivers up my spine!

  2. I LOVE Felony and Mayhem. They're doing a much needed service to the reading community. Good that you plugged them. I talked about their terrific Charlie Chan re-prints a while back. GORGEOUS covers, too.

  3. I'm glad they're covering out-of print stuff - wonder if we could get that here in the UK?

    SueH I refuse to go quietly!

  4. Have to check this site out, thanks!

  5. Sounds like a wonderful site and publisher.

  6. Hi!
    Wonderful idea, some books I can't get through my library. I'll have to check it out. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day!

    Just Books

  7. Very cool. Thank you for sharing! I'm stopping by from the "A to Z" challenge and I look forward to reading more from you.


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