
Friday, April 15, 2011

Book Beginnings on Friday

Book Beginnings on Friday is a bookish meme sponsored by Katy at A Few More Pages. Here's what you do: share the first line (or two) of the book you are currently reading on your blog or in the comments section . Include the title and author so we know what you're reading. Then, if you are so moved, let us know what your first impressions were based on that first line, and if you liked or did not like that sentence. Link-up each week at Katy's place.

Here's mine from "The Adventure of the House of Darkness" inThe New Adventures of Ellery Queen by Ellery Queen (a book of short stories, so this is only the first line of the story I'm reading at the moment):

"And this," proclaimed Monsieur Dieudone Duval with a deprecatory twirl of his mustache, "is of an ingenuity incomparable, my friend. It is not that I should say so, perhaps. But examine it. Is it not the--how do you say--the pip?"


  1. Somehow that first line seems complicated to me. I hope the book is a good one!

  2. I like the visual images, with the "twirling mustache" to the sense of his importance. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  3. Cripes - I've had to read that line a few times... although I do love the twirl of the mustache!
    Here's my beginning:

  4. Wow, what a first line! That must be quite the book.

    Thanks for visiting! :-)

  5. I love the mustache-twirling.

    Thanks for participating in Book Beginnings!

    And good luck with your surgery. I'll keep you in my thoughts.


Sorry folks, but I have been getting an incredible amount of spam. I have adjusted my settings and all messages will be moderated from now on. If that does not take care of the problem then I will have to go to the "Prove You're Not a Robot" thing--which I hate as much as you do.

If your name does not appear automatically, please tell me your name in the comment. Otherwise you will just show up as "Unknown." Thanks!