
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Theme Thursday: Furniture

Hosted by Reading Between the Pages

* A theme will be posted each week (on Thursdays)
* Select a conversation/snippet/sentence from the current book you are reading
* Post it and don’t forget to mention the author and the title of the book
* Since we may take a few days to finish a book, this event is open for one whole week

This week's theme is FURNITURE and here is mine from The Rim of the Pit by Hake Talbot: (we are in the middle of a seance; Thor is a dog):

His speculations were interrupted by a rattle of knocks higher-pitched than the others. Thor, who had paid no attention to the earlier raps, sprang to his feet and stood staring at the table as if he expected it to attack him.

[Mr. Talbot is not one for furniture description. Every time he mentions a table or a chair or a sofa or whatever that's it. He mentions it and moves on--we don't know what kind, what color, how big, nothing.]


  1. This is kind of a neat idea. I like the idea of scouring the book you are reading looking for the theme of the week. I'll have to consider doing this.

  2. Some people are like that. Stationary items serve a purpose and that is all. Perhaps this author puts more into character development and the plot?

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I love to read everyone's thoughts.

  3. Good job finding at least a reference to a piece of furniture. I can't imagine it showing up in everything we read.

  4. Good snippet..I can see him staring at the table lol...Happy reading!!

  5. Oh man, Thor is so obviously not my beagle. He would go NUTS!

    Mine doesn't describe furniture's more fashiony :) It's called The Dressmaker.

  6. This was a difficult theme for Thursday, but I'm loving all the responses.

  7. I like reads that don't get mired in the tiny details. They can make it too slow-paced. Hope you enjoy this one.....

  8. Furniture is not really something one pays much attention to as we read - I thought it was fun discovering how often it was mentioned.
    Great snippet - sounds fun reading.

  9. great entry for this theme and thank you for stopping by my blog

  10. This week was really tough. I had to really scan through mine and only found one reference .. Glad you had something for this week.

  11. +JMJ+

    The novel Bad Moon also has a guard dog named Thor! But he was looking out for a werewolf and not just a table. ;-)


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