
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Reading Resolutions

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This week we're being asked to list our "Top Ten Bookish Resolutions." They can be book-blog related, reading related, writing related and/or book related!

I don't tend to make resolutions. I find that it's so easy to break them. But here are some items that I've thought about:

1. Read more of the books that have been on my TBR list (particularly those that I own) that have been on there for eons. Some of them have been on the list for at least 20-25 years.

2. Read more books that are NOT mysteries. I didn't do too badly last year (challenges helped with that). But I do tend to overload on mysteries...and there are other books on the TBR list that aren't mysteries.

3. Choose my challenges wisely. I've really tried to do this. Most of the challenges I've signed up for will help me with number one.

4. Try to comment more on sites I visit. And to leave more thoughtful and insightful comments.

5. Since writing was mentioned...get back to my novel-in-progress and do the re-writes that I know need doing. Don't just change a word here and there, Bev. Really sit down and cut what needs cutting and add those scenes that you've had simmering for a while!

Well, that's it. Can't manage ten this times. Five will have to do.


  1. I love your resolutions -- I didn't do any this year but yours really resonate with me, especially the writing goal. Here's hoping we're both successful!

  2. I need to add more diversity to my reading selection too. I'll be reading a lot of classics for class, so I'm hoping to read some more modern and fun books to balance that out. Good luck finding things that aren't mysteries.
    I didn't know you were writing a book! You're so cool.

    -Emily @ Reading While Female

  3. TBRs on the list for 20-25 years??? I'm impressed. I generally give up after about 5 years or so--or I forget why I wanted to read them. LOL.

    "Choose your challenges wisely" is a HARD thing to do. They are all so tempting and lovely.

  4. It will be very interesting if those 20-25 year old TBRs are still appealing. It will be a chance to see if your younger self had good taste! LOL!


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