
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Meet Me on Monday (32)

Meet Me on Monday is a blogging meme hosted by Java at Never Growing Old. As she says: "Blogging is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read and yet most of the time I find myself wondering, "who is this person?" I know them...but yet I don't know them! I want to know who the person behind all those words is so I thought of a great way for all of us to "meet" each other!"

Every Sunday she will post five get to know you questions that we can copy and paste into our own Monday post and we can all learn a little more about each and every one of us. To play along click on her meme name and join up with the linky.

This Week's Questions:

1. What is your favorite kind of fudge? Chocolate with no nuts; nothing else mixed in. Just plain ol' chocolate.

2. Is there snow outside your window? Yep. About 5 inches. Supposed to get more tomorrow. (This is my yard. And that is my son....just not this year. Snow's a little deeper and, of course, it's dark outside my window right now.)

3. What is your favorite meal of the day? Breakfast

4. Do you text on your cell phone? No. I only have one for emergencies. And I have it for phone calls. No camera involved. No texting.

5. Waffles or pancakes? Waffles. I love the way the butter melts into all the little squares.


  1. I so agree with you about breakfast... :O)

  2. Sometimes I wonder if people actually use their cell phones for phone calls anymore. Texting, cameras, apps, almost makes the phone feature obsolete!

  3. Hello
    Just visiting via MMOM. I love breakfast too. Hope you have a lovely week, feel free to hop over and say hi.
    Helen x

  4. Finally, someone who uses a cell phone for the same thing I do: just calling :D And plain chocolate fudge sounds like perfection to me, too.

  5. stopping by from Meet Me on Monday
    I agree with you about the fudge. no nuts!
    have a great week.

  6. I wish I had a breakfast this morning like your picture. I had a boiled egg. Doylene


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