
Monday, January 10, 2011

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?, a bookish meme hosted by Book Journey, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It's a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list. So hop on over via the link above and join in...and leave a comment here so I can check out what you are reading.

Books Read Last Week (click on titles for review):
Emma by Jane Austen (1/9/10)
Murder on the Links by Agatha Christie (1/9/11)

It's all Emma's fault that I didn't get any more done.

Currently Reading:
5 Bullets by Lee Thayer (1944): From the frontispiece: Under the dark hands, the small planchette spelled out Peter Clancy's name. Perhaps it would be mere superstition to consider it an omen, but if the red-headed private investigator had not suddenly appeared in that small college town in Florida when his friend Zingara Hartley, retired newspaper syndicate writer, thought he was at least three hundred miles away, this story of the tragedy that followed hard upon his coming would not have been written. Instead it would have appeared only in the public Press as an ugly, stupid murder, fathered by jealousy, committed under peculiar circumstances that left little sympathy for the youthful murderer's probable passions and complexes and less doubt as to his guilt.

Books that spark my interest:
Almost anything on any of my challenge lists--I'm only doing fourteen challenges, so it's not like I don't have plenty of choices.But these sound good :
Why Shoot a Butler by Georgette Heyer (main challenge: Georgette Heyer)
Blood Upon the Snow by Hilda Lawrence (main challenge: Off the Shelf)


  1. I think Emma is a GREAT excuse to not get anything done!
    Here is my Monday post:

  2. I can't believe that I haven't read Emma yet...loved Jane Austen, but haven't read them all.

    Georgette Heyer is an author I'd like to explore.

    Here's my Monday:

    (click on my name)

  3. 14 challenges - gee! Good luck with all of them!! :")

  4. "5 Bullets" sounds good - I'll have to look for a copy. Now I'm off to read your reviews. Happy reading!

  5. I hope you enjoyed Emma - that is one I have not read yet.

  6. I love Jane Austen and have read all of her finished books. My favorite is Pride and Predjuice. :) I have been wanting to read Whose Body? too. Maybe sometime this year I will get to it. lol

  7. I'm reading Cybils short list books now and more wishlist books. Come see what I finished!


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