
Monday, December 27, 2010

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?, a bookish meme hosted by Book Journey, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It's a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list. So hop on over via the link above and join in...and leave a comment here so I can check out what you are reading.

Books Read Last Week (click on titles for review):
Mrs. Hudson & the Malabar Rose by Martin Davies
Murder Is Suggested by Frances & Richard Lockridge
Murder Has Its Points by Frances & Richard Lockridge
Murder by the Book by Frances & Richard Lockridge

Currently Reading:
Angel With Two Faces by Nicola Upson. Summer, 1935. Inspector Archie Penrose has invited Josephine Tey to his family home in Cornwall, a struggling but beautiful country estate on a magnificent stretch of coastline. Disillusioned with the London stage, Josephine is ready to begin work on her second mystery novel and finds much to inspire her in the landscape and its legends - in particular, a lake on the estate which is said to claim a life every seven years, and the nearby Minack Theatre, an open-air auditorium which overlooks the sea. But death clouds the holiday from the outset: Josephine's arrival coincides with the funeral of a young estate worker, killed in a mysterious riding accident, and another local boy disappears shortly afterwards. When the Minack proves to be a stage for real-life tragedy and an audacious murder, Archie's loyalties are divided between his friends and his job, and he and Josephine must confront the violent reality which lies beneath a seemingly idyllic community - a community with one face turned towards the present, and another looking back to the crimes of the past.

Books that spark my interest:
A Dangerous Affair by Caro Peacock (I started this one, but couldn't settle into it. I loved the first in this is series and I still am interested in trying to read this one.)
The Agency: A Spy in the House by Y. S. Lee
Scorpions: The Battles & Triumphs of FDR's Great Supreme Court Justices by Noah Feldman. Recently won as a give-away prize from CMash Loves to Read. Very interested in finding a chance to read it! Swing: A Mystery by Rupert Holmes. (set in the Jazz Age)
Theoretically Dead by Tinker Marks (another academic mystery--can't resist those)
The Fleet Street Murders by Charles Finch (another mystery series that I've gotten hooked on
What Remains of Heaven by C. S. Harris (ditto)

Something tells me that I'm not going to get all of these read before the New Year begins and I'm off and running on all those challenges I've signed up for....


  1. Just read about it here, but Swing: A Mystery by Rupert Homes immediately sparked my interest, too. ;")

  2. Actually, it's Rupert Holmes (typo on my part, now fixed).

  3. What great-sounding titles. Hope you enjoy every one of them, and thanks for stopping by my blog.

  4. All of these look great! I limited my 2011 challenges (so far), so I'm hoping I'll be good with them, as most of my challenges end up as fails! :) ... since I'm only adding my personal books to the challenges, and not review books, I'm hoping to see my personal TBR pile go WAY down!

  5. I've heard good things about The Agency series. I had gotten the first from the library awhile back but didn't get a chance to get to it.
    I didn't sign up for many challenges for 2011. I get too overwhelmed as it is!

  6. In a mood for murder? LOL - your books last week sounds good. I could use a good mystery read! Have a super week!

  7. @Sheila: I'm always in the mood for murder....fictionally speaking, of course.

  8. Well darn you for sparking my interest insome of those titles ;) Try the Spy in the house book. Its quick easy and interesting :)


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