
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Booking Through Thursday: Best & Worst of 2010

This week Booking Through Thursday asks us several questions: What’s the best book you read this year? Worst? Favorite?

Best book I read this year:
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. (It's pretty amazing that I made it through a BA in English without having read this. Wonderful book. And do you realize how hard it was to narrow it down to just one book????)

Worst book I read:
The Dress Lodger by Sheri Holman. (Hands down. Didn't even have to think about it.)

Favorite book of the year:
Strong Poison by Dorothy L Sayers. (This was a re-read, but I LOVE Sayers and could read her books over and over and over...and still give them a five star rating every time.)


  1. I found it difficult to choose best of the best. Worst of the worst was easier. My Booking Through Thursday.

  2. Mockingbird is my favorite book of all time. I have Scout's voice in my head!


  3. You have my utmost respect that you so enjoy the classics. I have promised myself, that someday, because of you, I am going to try and read one. Will being asking for your suggestion at that time.

  4. I love Dorothy Sayers, too! She's one of the writers I want to read more of in the new year. Hope you have another great year of reading in 2011!


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