
Friday, November 26, 2010

Vintage Mystery Challenge: My Commitment

I am definitely ready to lead the charge on this one (mysteries are, after all, my favorite genre). If you need the scoop on the Vintage Mystery Challenge (sponsored by me!), then click the challenge name.

My commitment (and, of course, I'm not eligible for prizes...I'm just in it for fun) and list:

Take 'Em to Trial: 16+ Books

Black Orchids
by Rex Stout (1941) [read/reviewed 1/21/11]
Cordially Invited to Meet Death by Rex Stout (1942) [read/reviewed 1/22/11]Colour Scheme by Ngaio Marsh (1943) [3/1/11]
The Silk Stocking Murders by Anthony Berkeley (1928) [read/reviewed 2/19/11]Shroud of Darkness by E. C. R. Lorac (1954) [3/10/11]
Rope's End, Rogue's End by E. C. R. Lorac (1942) [read/reviewed 1/26/11]
Lady Audley's Secret by Mary Elizabeth Braddon (1887)
The Leavenworth Case by Anna Katherine Green (1878) [read/reviewed 2/8/11]
Blood Upon the Snow by Hilda Lawrence (1944)
McKee of Centre Street by Helen Reilly (1933/4) [read/reviewed 2/23/11]
5 Bullets by Lee Thayer (1944) [read/reviewed 1/12/11]
The Chinese Orange Mystery by Ellery Queen (1934) [read/reviewed 1/13/11]
The New Adventures of Ellery Queen by Ellery Queen (1940)
The Innocent Bottle by Anthony Gilbert (1949)
Dividend on Death by Brett Halliday (1939)
[read/reviewed 2/27/11]
Murder on the Links by Agatha Christie (1923)
[read/reviewed 1/9/11]
The Nine Tailors by Dorothy L Sayers (1934) [read/reviewed 1/3/11]Police at the Funeral by Margery Allingham (1931) [read/reviewed 1/1/11]
The Fashion in Shrouds by Margery Allingham (1938) [read/reviewed 1/25/11]
A Graveyard to Let by Carter Dickson (1949) [read/reviewed 1/31/11]
Why Shoot a Butler by Georgette Heyer (1933) [read/reviewed 2/2/11]
You Can Die Laughing by A. A. Fair, aka Erle Stanley Gardner (1957) [read/reviewed 2/24/11]

Will add review links and dates read as they come.


  1. I have an award for you here:

  2. I'm familiar with a couple of those and, if the others are as good, you've got some great reading to look forward to!

  3. That's a pretty impressive list, Bev. I've read several of them, and I think you'll really enjoy the Sayers, Marsh and Stout - and the vintage Ellery Queen (Chinese Orange). I'm excited to see Lorac on your list - he seems to be completely out of print, with most of the used copies (via Amazon's sellers, at least) quite expensive. Please let me know where you found a copy!

  4. Les:

    I've got about five Lorac books. I've gotten some through our local library's book store (they sell discards as well as donations). We apparently have someone/s in the area who occasionally donates old (first edition!) mysteries. I've picked up a first Whose Body by Sayers as well as first editions by Helen Reilly.

    The other Lorac books...I'm not sure. I think I may have gotten one at a used bookstore in my home town on one of my visits to see my parents.


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