
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Read My Review: War

Read My Review is a chance for book bloggers to share new and old reviews, related to a theme. It is hosted by A Trillian Books. As November 11th is Remembranc Day in the UK (and other Commonwealth countries) and Veteran's Day in the US this week’s theme is: War.

So any book with some kind of war or battle going on (doesn't have to be a real war). The theme stays for a week so you can leave your link any time and don't forget to pop back and check out some more fab reviews.

What you need to do:

*Find one of your reviews that fits this week's theme (new or old review).
*Leave your link with Mr. Linky at the bottom of A Trillion Books' post.
*Visit some of the other reviews and leave a "quality" comment (a couple of sentences).
*Grab the button and post about Read My Review.

I've chosen Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut (click on title for Review).

1 comment:

  1. Bev: One of my all time favorites! Thanks for the review.


Sorry folks, but I have been getting an incredible amount of spam. I have adjusted my settings and all messages will be moderated from now on. If that does not take care of the problem then I will have to go to the "Prove You're Not a Robot" thing--which I hate as much as you do.

If your name does not appear automatically, please tell me your name in the comment. Otherwise you will just show up as "Unknown." Thanks!