
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Meet Me on Monday! (22)

Meet Me on Monday is a blogging meme hosted by Java at Never Growing Old. As she says: "Blogging is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read and yet most of the time I find myself wondering, "who is this person?" I know them....but yet I don't know them! I want to know who the person behind all those words is so I thought of a great way for all of us to "meet" each other!"

Every Sunday she will post five get to know you questions that we can copy and past into our own Monday post and we can all learn a little more about each and every one of us. To play along, click on her meme name and join up with the linky.
This Week's Questions:

1. Do you eat Sushi?
Are you crazy? I want my fish to be shown fire first. No raw meat for me.

2. What kind of bath soap do you use?

Suave shower soap: currently Ultra Rich Shea Butter Creme

3. How often do you talk to your mom?
Every Sunday night on the phone.

4. What TV shows do you watch regularly.
None. No cable tv in this house and I don't miss it all--with all the reading and blogging I do, I don't see how I could have time for it.

5. Did you start Christmas shopping yet?
Well, sort of. I have a present for my boss. I originally bought it for her birthday (July), but then I changed my mind and decided to save it for Christmas (going with something else for the b-day). But seriously shopping....No. (That puts me a bit behind schedule.)


  1. Christmas really seems to be sneaking up. Can you believe November is already half way through? No sushi for me either. :)

  2. I love Shea Body Butters.

    I do find having cable tv is more annoying than the standard 5 analogue channels here in the UK.

    I spend more time flicking thru channels than actually watching...and why is it that when I am flicking channels it is always the ads?!

    enjoy ur week!

  3. I used to talk to my mom all the time too! She died 12/2/99 and I miss her a lot! We were very close.

    We watch Parenthood, Friday Night Lights, Survivor, Biggest Loser, Undercover Boss and FOOTBALL!

    Haven't started Christmas shopping yet, have birthdays first. We usually do our Christmas shopping on Black Friday.

  4. I am a new follower. I hope you will follow me back.

  5. Give me cooked meat, too. When we barbeque, I want mine to be the first one on and the last one off!

  6. Totally laughed out loud at the "I want my fish to be shown fire first."

    Happy Monday!

    My Answers <3


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