
Monday, November 15, 2010

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?, a bookish meme hosted by Book Journey, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It's a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list. So hop on over to Journey and join in...and leave a comment here so I can check out what your are reading.

Books Read Last Week (click on titles for review):
One Step Behind by Henning Mankell
Death by Water by Kerry Greenwood
Mary Reilly by Valerie Martin

Reading Now:
The Strange Return of Sherlock Holmes by Barry Grant (This one just leapt off the "New Releases" shelf at the library and into my hands. I had to bring it home.) Synopsis: when James Wilson retires from journalism, he decides to settle down in a small Welsh town with a roommate, a Mr. Cedric Coombes, and at first thinks little of his new friend's eccentric behaviour. But he can't shake the feeling that he knows him from somewhere else. As Coombes displays his astonishing deductive prowess, and becomes embroiled in the police investigation of the bizarre death, and apparent murder of a man in a bathtub. Wilson, or should we say Watson, begins to wonder just who this Coombes really is...

Books that spark my interest:
Penhallow by Georgette Heyer (to get going on my Georgette Heyer Challenge)

And I'm still waiting impatiently for Nov 26th so I can start the Christmas Spirit Reading Challenge. Looking forward to:
A Christmas Carol & Other Christmas Writings by Charles Dickens
Mistletoe Mysteries collected by Charlotte MacLeod
Christmas Stalkings collected by Charlotte MacLeod
A Christmas Grace by Anne Perry


  1. I mentioned winning your books in the giveaway on my Mailbox Monday - thanks again! Here's my Mailbox: Coffee and a Book Chick -- Mailbox Monday...

  2. I adore Henning Mankell's books! Happy reading! My Monday:

  3. I am liking the new Sherlock Homes books I have been seeing hitting the shelves. Enjoy and have a great week :)

  4. Enjoy your Christmas Spirit Reading Challenge.

  5. Oh, is Mary Reilly the book that was later made into a movie with Julia Roberts? It sounds good.

    Have a great week, and thanks for visiting my blog.


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