
Friday, November 19, 2010

The Friday 56

The Friday 56 is a bookish meme which is hosted by Freda's Voice. It's really easy (and fun!) to participate.

*Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
*Turn to page 56 and find the fifth sentence.
*Post that sentence (plus one or two more if you like) with these instructions on your blog or in the comments section.
*Post a link back to this blog and Freda's Voice.
*Don't dig for for your favorite book, the coolest, most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST!

Here's mine from Penhallow by Georgette Heyer:

Claret never hurt any man yet. My old grandfather never touched anything else, the last years of his life, and he lived to be eighty-five.


  1. That is an incredible long life!

    Thanks for participating!

  2. Great 56! Sounds interesting. My mother-in-law is 92
    and finds joy in everything, including popcorn! Thanks for stopping by today... I can hear that song, too. Starts with "Ding-dong..."!

  3. Great teaser! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Nice teaser. :D

    Mine is from <a href="'>Breathe.</a>


Sorry folks, but I have been getting an incredible amount of spam. I have adjusted my settings and all messages will be moderated from now on. If that does not take care of the problem then I will have to go to the "Prove You're Not a Robot" thing--which I hate as much as you do.

If your name does not appear automatically, please tell me your name in the comment. Otherwise you will just show up as "Unknown." Thanks!