
Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday's Hoppin'!

Time for the Friday Hop, hosted by Crazy for Books. This week over at the Book Blogger Hop, a bookish meme designed to get book bloggers out on the 'net and checking out other blogs, Sarah wants to know:

Do you judge a book by its cover?

Sometimes. If I'm just browsing at the bookstore or the library (without my list of "must finds"), I'll let covers influence me. But--if the title has really grabbed me before the cover turned me off--I'll start reading the back of the book and inside blurbs to see if they sway me one way of the other. If I'm still not sure, I scan the first page or so. If I'm still not sure or the cover reaction gets confirmed, then it stays on the shelf. It's rare that I'll let a cover turn me off of a book that's been on my TBR/"mustfind" lists.


  1. Morning, and thanks for stopping by my blog! Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. I feel the same way as you, it will influence me with a book I haven't heard of, but it won't turn me off of something on my tbr list.

  3. I do the same thing. Have a great long weekend and hope to meet you for coffee/tea on Tuesday!!
    Cheryl "Mash"

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog...I love reading everyone's answer to these questions...great way to get to know everyone!

    Happy Friday and I hope you have a great weekend!
    Always With a Book

  5. Stopping by from the book blogger hop.

  6. I'm pretty influenced by book covers which is why I do love my eReader -- I find I am reading things regardless of cover. I'm embarrassed at how easily swayed I am! ;)

  7. Hi there, I think we pretty much think alike on this one!! Thanks for stopping by earlier. Hope you have a good weekend.

  8. Thanks for hopping by my blog! I agree with your answer - a good cover can make me pick a book up right away, while a bad one can make me check it more carefully, sometimes consulting reviews, before making my decision.

  9. I feel sad that I judge a book by its cover, but it is true. Once I get to know the book, after reading a few pages, the cover is not important at all. But to open the book, it must be a combination of expectations about the author and publisher and book blurb on the back and the cover that lead me to make the decision.

  10. I will zone in (or out) on certain types of covers when I'm scanning the shelves in the store. Unless it's really raunchy, the cover alone will not influence my decision to purchase a book.

  11. Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog :)

    I'm a new follower ^^

  12. I too sometimes fall for covers!

    Came here via blog hopping/Follow me. Have a blast hopping to/following new blogs! Do check out my blog, everything distils into reading. I am an eclectic reader! I follow blogs I like via my google reader!

  13. In the bookshop, I too go for Title, cover, then blurb. It is the blurb that has the final vote as to whether it comes home with me. :)


  14. Hi visiting from the HOP! I am the exact same way about book covers!

    I would love for you to say Happy Birthday to my daughter who just started a blog - today on her birthday...
    Outpourings Of A Soul.

    I hope you will have time to visit one or both of my blogs: LibrarysCat and Never Forget !!

    Have a great weekend!

  15. First-time visitor...cute blog.

    I do pick up a book because of its cover...not necessarily buy it, but it does make me pick it up and check it out.

    Hopping by.

    Stop by my blog if you like:


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