
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Booking Through Thursday: Disaster!

This week's Booking Through Thursday question: You've just dropped your favorite, out-of-print book into a bathtub, ruining completely...What do you do now?

At this point, my husband will think I have severely injured myself while shaving my legs or some such thing, because there will be high, shrieking noises emanating from the bathroom. After I calm down (this may take weeks, you understand)....I will start hunting high & low for a replacement and will not be consoled until I have one in my hands.

Seriously, though...I'm with Joy at Joy's Blog...that favorite, out-of-print book isn't gonna be anywhere near the full bathtub. The only books I read in the tub (which is a rare event) are paperbacks that I won't care much if they get doused.


  1. Loved your answer. And totally agree about not being near water.

  2. That is the smart thing to do too. My fav book is wrapped in plastic high on the bookshelf.

    Booking Through Thursday

  3. It's smart to not have your books near the tub. I would never read in the tub...don't people know that is where most home accidents occur? Why would they want to endanger a book like that?Here's My BTT.

  4. Glad we think alike! Books in the bathtub are an obvious no-no!


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