
Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Life in Books

Found this over at Kittling Books (who got it from Pop Culture Nerd) and thought it was pretty interesting. Using only titles of books you've read so far in 2010, complete the following sentences. (Who could resist? Certainly not me). If you join in, leave a comment so I can check out your answers.

1. In high school I was (a) Puzzle for Fools.
2. People might be surprised I'm Some Things Fierce & Fatal.
3. I will never be What Men Say.
4. My fantasy job is Oxford & Cambridge.
5. At the end of a long day I need Three Silent Things.
6. I hate it when Suddenly While Gardening....
7. Wish I had The Sunken Treasure.
8. My family reunions are Travels With My Aunt.
9. At a party you'd find me with (a) Hive of Suspects.
10. I've never been to The Window at the White Cat.
11. A happy day includes Literary Murder.
12. Motto I live by Die Laughing.
13. On my bucket list London After Midnight.
14. In my next life, I want to be The Piano Bird.


  1. I love this! Hysterical! I also love the Henry Ward Beecher quote -- my wife and I are big Beecher fans!

  2. I love 'em with the exception of Die Laughing. I almost did years ago, and I found out that it's NOT the way to go!

  3. Cathy...sorry about that reminder. I will say that I had a hard time coming up with a title from my 2010 list that I thought fit for a motto....

  4. Just found your blog...thanks for making me laugh!


  5. Hi! Just stoppong by your blog on the hop to say hi!LOVE IT! I'm your newest follower! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a wonderful day!


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