
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Booking Through Thursday

This week Booking Through Thursday asks: Have your reading choices changed over the years? Or pretty much stayed the same? (And yes, from childhood to adulthood we usually read different things, but some people stick to basically the same kind of book their entire lives, so...)

My answer: I've gone through cycles. When I first started reading, I was hooked on mysteries. My mom gave me her Nancy Drew books (she had a set of 5 that she had gotten as a present in the '50s) and from there on I was a mystery girl. Nancy, the Hardy Boys, Trixie Belden...moving on to Sherlock Holmes and the Alfred Hitchcock collections and Agatha Christie. I've always read other things, too (lit classics, history, essays, biography, poetry)--but there's generally a core genre that I love. Then from about 12 years old through college (1992-ish), I was on a science fiction binge. Asimov, Bradbury, Clarke, Sturgeon, Heinlein, Le Guin...oh, and Star Trek paperbacks by the score. I still love Golden Age SF, but read it less now that I'm back on the mystery band-wagon. Somewhere in there, I also went through a romance novel phase, but I never thought that was serious. Take away my Georgette Heyer historical romance & I'd get over it. But keep your mitts off my Georgette Heyer mystery collection! Over-all (if we count years spent), I guess I'd have to say I'm a mystery gal. Give me a good British cozy and nice place to read and I'm as happy as I can be.


  1. I read more than my fair share of the Star Trek tie-ins growing up.

    I still read them, but I'm a bit pickier today about them.

  2. Except for paranormal stuff, I have always read pretty much everything. It can only get better with time and it is...

    Here is my BTT: Evolution post!

  3. I used to love Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys. :)
    My preference didn't so much change, as it did...evolve. Here's My BTT

  4. I used to read all kinds of books as a kid, but now I mainly read fiction.


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