
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Time Out for a Book Survey

Grabbed this from English Major's Junk Food. Thought it was pretty good, so I'm taking time out to answer the questions.

Do you snack when you read? If so, favorite reading snack: Not always. But when I do it's either fruit (grapes) or nuts/sunflower seeds.

What is your favorite drink while reading? That depends...warm weather: diet 7-up; cold weather: hot chocolate.

Do you tend to mark your books as you read, or does the idea of writing in books horrify you? I used to mark them up when I was in college. Now that I'm more a collector-reader, I am not quite, but almost horrified at the idea. Particularly any of my first edition Golden Age mysteries. Yikes!

How do you keep your place while reading? Book mark? Dog-ears? Laying the book flat open? Book mark if at all possible--any piece of paper will do otherwise. Dog-ear?!! Never! & when I read a library book that has been dog-eared, I often have homicidal thoughts....(just kidding; sortof). I will only lay a book flat open if I absolutely have no other choice--and then as gently as possible to prevent too much strain on the spine.

Fiction, non-fiction, or both? Mostly fiction (of which, mostly mysteries). But really, I'll read anything. Cereal boxes if there's nothing else available. I'm partial to mysteries, classic literature (18th & 19th C), some science fiction, and a good historical romance here & there. I also like history, biography, essays, and poetry.

Are you a person who tends to read to the end of a chapter, or can you stop anywhere? I prefer to read to the end of the chapter. If the book's really good, I prefer to get to the end of the book before I stop. My husband loves to tell the story about how, when we were first married, he went to bed at oh, 10:30 or so, and said, "Are you coming to bed?" To which I replied, "Just a minute, I'm just at the good part." Three hours later, I finished the book and climbed in bed.

Are you the type of person to throw a book across the room or on the floor if the author irritates you? I've tossed a few down on the floor before...but not terribly hard. I tend to mutter, laugh, argue ("No, that's not right.") or sigh in exasperation.

If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop and look it up right away? Usually. I love words and always like to make sure I'm understanding what the word means. I can usually figure it out by context, but I have to know. (I'm sure this comes from Latin Derivatives class, Mrs. Heavilon.)

What are you currently reading? The Inheritance by Simon Tolkien (J R R Tolkien's grandson). It's a mix of two of my favorites: mystery and history. As I said in the previous blog entry, it's got a dead Oxford historian; how can you beat that? It's also got a mystery tied to the past. I love those kind of books.

What is the last book you bought? Two books: An old edition of Josephine Tey's The Singing Sands and The Knowledge of Water by Sarah Smith. I've read the Tey book before, but I'm a sucker for Golden Age mysteries, especially older editions. But the Smith book is new to me. The blurb on the back says: "An enigmatic man haunted by guilt and a dark secret from the past...A beautiful young woman consumed by a desire that could destroy her lifelong dream...A madman who stalks them both in retribution for a murder they know nothing about." Couldn't leave that at the library book sale.

Are you the type of person that reads one book at a time, or can you read more than one? Either way works for me. As long as I'm reading, I'm not picky. I've done both.

Do you have a favorite time/place to read? In the evening...curled up on the couch or snuggled up in bed. But honestly...I can read any place, any time.

Do you prefer series books or stand alone? For my mysteries...series. I like getting to know characters and following them through several books. But I read both types and enjoy them equally.

Is there a specific book or author you find yourself recommending over and over? Right now--C S Richardson's The End of the Alphabet. This is an absolutely beautiful book.

How do you organize your books? (by genre, title, author's last name, etc): By genre and then by author within the genre. Except for my pocket-size editions...I mix all genres with that group and organize by author.

Let me know if you do this too! I'd love to see your answers.

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